The witty Chris Hart wakes me up every morning. His show brightens up my day even though his yuppy counterpart doesn’t quite hit my nerves. In the thrill of things, my lousy neighbor likes cutting me to the quick with his disturbing Maina Kageni's mambo jambo. I am then left with no choice but to go perusing the latest from the likes of Clay Muganda.
If I am not audience to the poetically licensed, you will find me seeking my own license. I recognize how far I am from obtaining one but I am not a worried man because social media will soon get me there. It has rendered us with unprecedented platforms upon which writers (pros and wannabes) often expose their minds. I like tweeting clever staff but digging into my friends’ facebook notes is my specialty. Some of my friends have a way of boggling my mind with their stuff.
Let me begin with Tom Munira munira Jalio, this guy was clearly born to write. From his Journalista days to his current excitement in sports and sporting events, he really takes his writing seriously. I am yet to understand his love for Spain when most of us care less about it (I am talking about Rafael Nadal and La Liga’s Real Madrid).
If I am not audience to the poetically licensed, you will find me seeking my own license. I recognize how far I am from obtaining one but I am not a worried man because social media will soon get me there. It has rendered us with unprecedented platforms upon which writers (pros and wannabes) often expose their minds. I like tweeting clever staff but digging into my friends’ facebook notes is my specialty. Some of my friends have a way of boggling my mind with their stuff.
Let me begin with Tom Munira munira Jalio, this guy was clearly born to write. From his Journalista days to his current excitement in sports and sporting events, he really takes his writing seriously. I am yet to understand his love for Spain when most of us care less about it (I am talking about Rafael Nadal and La Liga’s Real Madrid).
His easy to read pieces coupled with attention to detail will leave you with no doubt that he is indeed a descriptive writer. One outstanding thing about him is how he inspires passion in all he does. As long as a writer of his caliber exists, the Sammy kitula's of this world will always be insecure with their jobs. I wait to meet him at the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon, for I know he will be there.
Godfrey Kimega is a passionate writer too, all be it seldom. The guy stretches my imagination with his insightful vigor for international affairs. His well researched pieces are loaded with maturity and a sense of awareness. You will notice his outright lambasting of western democracies’ unfortunate role in Africa. This will tempt you to contradict him but the weight in his arguments will knock you down.
I have read Obed Mutua’s articles since his days in Journalista. The guy can write about anything. Be it what it may, he will still make it very interesting. I am particularly excited about his recent entry into poetry and I can only hope he will do it more often. Even as I wait upon his humanitarian articles, there is no doubt that his writing is worth its weight in gold.
Did you ever wonder whose novels we shall be reading in the near future? Julia Wanjeri may want to raise her hand. She can comfortably write perfect scripts for ABC TV drama series if you ask me. I like how she depicts a great sense of humor in her writing. What title will she give her first novel? It’s a game of wait and see.
I don’t know what kind of books Njeri Justin reads but the man knows his English, he often baffles me with the way he plays with words. Justin is simply a goose soon to lay a golden egg in the media industry. His style is so uniquely insightful; Jeff Koinange would call it waxing lyrical. Anybody who reads his articles will agree that Clay had better up his game. Even better, CNN had better come and get him.